# API Domain URL --- ## Sandbox * https://mapi.yuansfer.yunkeguan.com ## Production * https://mapi.yuansfer.com # Payee Registration --- * {Domain}/v3/payee/register * Method: `POST` ### Request |Field|M/C/O|Comment| |---|---|---| |merchantNo|Mandatory|| |storeNo|Mandatory|| |verifySign|Mandatory|signature| |profileType|Mandatory|INDIVIDUAL, BUSINESS| |dateOfBirth|Mandatory|payee's date of birth| |timestamp|Mandatory|current timestamp in UTC timezone| ```json { "city": "hometown", "country": "USA", "countryCode": "US", "customerCode": "1665425422", "dateOfBirth": "1999-01-01", "email": "JohnDoe@example.com", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "merchantNo": "202333", "phone": "1234567890", "profileType": "INDIVIDUAL", "state": "NY", "storeNo": "301854", "street": "123 main St", "street2": "", "timestamp": "2023-02-13T10:50:58Z", "verifySign": "2e2294120492ca91b0be1db9a3c98c0e", "zip": "10005" } ``` ### Response ```json { "ret_msg": "success", "ret_code": "000100", "customer": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "customerCode": "1665425422", "createdTime": "2022-10-10T18:15:19Z", "customerNo": "2000305228292319592008", "email": "JohnDoe@example.com" } } ``` # Rerieve Payee info --- * {Domain}/v3/payee/retrieve * Method: `POST` ### Request ```json { "customerNo": "2000305228303182610217", "merchantNo": "202333", "storeNo": "301854", "timestamp":"2023-02-13T12:35:14Z", "verifySign": "d81e8e6f33ecdbff1985dbf0210572ce" } ``` ### Response ```json { "ret_msg": "query success", "ret_code": "000100", "customer": { "zip": "10005", "lastName": "Doe", "country": "USA", "updatedTime": "2023-02-13T11:46:37Z", "payeeStatus": "Activated", "city": "hometown", "customerCode": "1665425123", "dateOfBirth": "1999-01-01", "firstName": "John", "profileType": "INDIVIDUAL", "phone": "1234567890", "countryCode": "US", "street": "123 main St", "createdTime": "2023-02-13T11:45:37Z", "state": "NY", "lang": "en", "customerNo": "2000305228303182610217", "email": "JohnDoe@example.com" } } ``` # Update payee info --- * {Domain}/v3/payee/update * Method: `POST` ### Request ```json { "city": "hometown", "country": "USA", "countryCode": "US", "dateOfBirth": "1999-01-01", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "merchantNo": "202333", "phone": "123456789", "profileType": "INDIVIDUAL", "state": "NY", "storeNo": "301854", "street": "123 main St", "street2": "", "timestamp": "2023-02-13T12:37:58Z", "customerNo": "2000305228303182610217", "verifySign": "cb74eb92eebadc97445d559bc5501012", "zip": "10006" } ``` ### Response ```json { "ret_msg": "update success", "ret_code": "000100" } ``` # Add payee funding source account --- * `/v3/payee/account/create/bank-account` * Method: `POST` ### Request |value|comments| |---|---| |branchId|The 9 digit routing number.| |bankAccountId|The bank account number.| |bankAccountPurpose|CHECKING, SAVINGS| |clientIp|The creator's IP address| ```json { "accountCountry": "US", "accountCurrency": "USD", "accountTag": "1a52692711", "accountType": "BANK_ACCOUNT", "bankAccountId": "7861053298", "branchId": "101089292", "bankAccountPurpose":"CHECKING", "customerNo": "2000305228303182610217", "ipnUrl": "https://example.com/webhooks", "merchantNo": "202333", "storeNo": "301854", "timestamp": "2023-02-13T11:50:58Z", "clientIp":"", "verifySign": "23f56c32ddcd8732eced87f139d086d9" } ``` ### Response ```json { "result": { "accountTag": "1a52692711", "accountStatus": "ACTIVATED", "country": "US", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "accountType": "BANK_ACCOUNT", "currency": "USD", "accountToken": "2010305228303182765718", "customerNo": "2000305228292319592008", "email": "JohnDoe@example.com", "timestamp": "2023-02-13T11:48:12Z" }, "ret_msg": "success", "ret_code": "000100" } ``` # Retrieve payee funding source accounts(created above) --- * {Domain}/v3/payee/payout-accounts * Method: `POST` ### Request ```json { "merchantNo": "202333", "storeNo": "301854", "customerNo": "2000305228292319592008", "verifySign": "4b57c4ab6f2f71e7fd7cc6046fa5e78c", "timestamp": "2023-02-13T11:53:58Z" } ``` ### Response ```json { "accounts": [ { "accountTag": "1a52692711", "country": "US", "createdAt": "2023-02-13T11:48:13Z", "accountType": "BANK_ACCOUNT", "currency": "USD", "accountToken": "2010305228303182765718", "cardNumber": "****3298", "status": "activated" } ], "ret_msg": "success", "user": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "customerCode": "1665425123", "customerNo": "2000305228292319592008", "email": "JohnDoe@example.com" }, "ret_code": "000100" } ``` # Transfer --- * {Domain}/v3/payouts/pay * Method: `POST` ### Request ```json { "accountToken": "2010305228303182765718", "amount": "500", "currency": "USD", "customerNo": "2000305228292319592008", "description": "thank you", "invoiceId": "9aae4c685d824c5da746f97620c59eb5", "ipnUrl": "https://example.com/webhooks", "merchantNo": "202333", "note": "Payouts, Thanks", "storeNo": "301854", "subject": "Payouts", "timestamp": "2023-02-13T11:58:58Z", "verifySign": "8b11e8f0d7f2a412f020f266110b57ba" } ``` ### Response ***transaction status enums*** |value|comments| |---|---| |pending|Your payout request was received and will be processed| |success|Funds have been credited to the recipient’s account| |failed|This payout request has failed, so funds were not deducted from the sender’s account| |returned|This payout request was cancelled| ```json { "result": { "amount": "500.00", "transactionNo": "305588797074336092", "createdTime": "2023-02-13T11:58:59Z", "invoiceId": "9aae4c685d824c5da746f97620c59eb5", "currency": "USD", "accountToken": "2010305228303182765718", "customerNo": "2000305228303182610217", "status": "pending" }, "ret_msg": "succeeded", "ret_code": "000100" } ``` # Appendix ### Response Codes |Code|Detail| |---|---| |000000|System Error| |000020|Parameter Null Error| |000021|Parameter No Related Information| |000022|Parameters Do Not Match| |000023|Parameter Value Error| |000030|No Rights / Access Denied| |000040|Account balance is not sufficient| |000080|Supplier System's Error| |000100|Success|